Getting Ahead of a Possible January 2025 ILA Strike
Further to our previous update:
The Situation
The International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) negotiations remain at a critical impasse after negotiations between both parties stalled earlier last month, primarily due to disagreements over port automation.
The current contract extension will run out in less than 30 days on January 15th, 2025.
In a letter to International Longshoremen’s Association President Harold Daggett and Chairman and Chief Executive of the United States Maritime Alliance, David Adam, a coalition of 267 trade associations led by the National Retail Federation said it was “imperative” for the sides to return to bargaining and remain there until agreement on a new labor pact is reached before January 15th, 2025.
President-elect Trump publicly supports the union, and with the deadline fast approaching, it is unclear whether his support will influence the ILA and USMX to resume negotiations.
How to Prepare as an Importer
The previous strike in October 2024 caused significant delays, shutting down 36 ports for over 3 days. To mitigate the possible risks:
• Utilize Delmar’s sea-truck service via Port of Montreal for Transatlantic shipping or West Coast ports for Transpacific shipping
• Anticipate congestion and elongated transit times and plan accordingly
• Utilize air freight services for critical cargo
• Prepare for possible future increased shipping costs and fees
• Stay informed by monitoring the topic
Delmar is monitoring the situation and will share additional pertinent information as needed.
For additional information and assistance, please contact your local Delmar Representative.