ARL Account Maintenance Notice
Offsetting Entries on Some Daily Notices (DN) and Statements of Account (SOA)
CBSA will be performing ARL account maintenance activities in preparation of the CARM CLIENT PORTAL. Only certain accounts under review will be affected by these account maintenance activities. These offsetting entries are an administrative step to prepare for Release 1 of CARM on May 25, 2021. It is important to note that these amounts under review may be included on future DNs and SOAs. They will appear on select DNs in April and on the April SOA. They will appear with transaction type codes K3 (debit) and PMT (credit).
**Please ensure to pay your SOA in full to assist with the transition to the CARM Portal**
Daily Notice offsetting entries will read as the following:
- Credit entries (PMT) will appear in the Payment Summary
- Debit entries (K3) will appear as a dedicated line item
Statement of Account offsetting entries will read as the following:
- Both offsetting entries, PMT and K3, will appear as a dedicated line item
For questions, please contact the CBSA ARL Team through the link provided: